David Alston Education Leadership Support

Support and development for aspiring and practising school leaders

Hi. I have been in education for 56 years, as pupil, teacher, leader, Headteacher, National College Facilitator  and Local Leader of Education; that's quite a journey. During that time I've learnt plenty and some of that learning came easily.  Most of my lessons however were hard, but I survived. Now I am enjoying a period of my life, working alongside teachers and school leaders, who may be following a similar pathway to the one that I have trodden. Hopefully, I can support teachers and leadership teams in minimising those tough lessons and making the journey feel a bit more secure and a lot less daunting.

My packages of Learning to Lead, Top Class Teams and Developing Effective Listening speak for themselves. In addition, I offer bespoke coaching and Senior Leadership Team support. I can negotiate with you to meet your training and development needs. I am working with whole school teams, middle leadership teams and individuals to identify the reality, the vision and the route map to long lasting success.

Hopefully, I can be of assistance.
About DAVID image

for senior leadership teams

Top Class Teams

A sequence of 3 sessions asking: Where are we? Is it where want to be? How will we get there? For groups of schools, this provides opportunities to explore individual contexts, whilst learning how other leadership teams deal with the situations they face.

for new and emerging leaders

Learning to Lead

5-8 day course featuring: Coaching Creating a Vision The Leadership Tools Building Teams Holding Colleagues to Account

Ready for OFSTED?


As Middle Leaders: What do we know? What Should we know? Let's fill in those gaps a One Day course for all Middle Leaders apprehensive about talking to OFSTED

for all professionals in leadership roles

The Best Ever Meetings

Discover how adults best learn, and in doing so plan for energetic and impactful meetings using this highly interactive method. A half-day course for anyone who has to deliver meetings to colleagues.

for all school based practitioners

Developing Effective Listening Skills

An in-school, 1 day session for groups of professionals Explores and practises listening techniques Enhances our ability to listen with our ears and eyes

Coping with Stress and Conflict in our Leadership Roles

The challenges that cause us most stress in our roles and some strategies to deal with them. A one day course for all school leaders

  • Tean, Staffordshire, England, United Kingdom