Hi. I have been in education for 56 years, as pupil, teacher, leader, Headteacher, National College Facilitator  and Local Leader of Education; that's quite a journey. During that time I've learnt plenty and some of that learning came easily.  Most of my lessons however were hard, but I survived. Now I am enjoying a period of my life, working alongside teachers and school leaders, who may be following a similar pathway to the one that I have trodden. Hopefully, I can support teachers and leadership teams in minimising those tough lessons and making the journey feel a bit more secure and a lot less daunting.

My packages of Learning to Lead, Top Class Teams and Developing Effective Listening speak for themselves. In addition, I offer bespoke coaching and Senior Leadership Team support. I can negotiate with you to meet your training and development needs. I am working with whole school teams, middle leadership teams and individuals to identify the reality, the vision and the route map to long lasting success.

Hopefully, I can be of assistance.
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